The Unexpected Blessing
The Unexpected Blessing
Yau Wai Chi, Frances (’95)
I still remember how my mom transferred me to Ying Wa Girls’ School when I was 15 years old. It was a time when I just got rooted in my previous girls’ school (Daughters of Mary Help of Christians Siu Ming Catholic Secondary School), connecting deeply with a few friends and dear teachers. I did not understand why, and it went against my will. I remembered how I just put random answers on the entrance examination papers, hoping that I would fail them. For the strangest reason (or should I say “By God’s grace”), I passed. I officially became a Ying Wa girl.

New Environment Yields Good Results
Little did I know that I would be in an environment surrounded by loving friends and teachers, who allowed and encouraged me to be who I was, while at the same time, pushing me to be the best Frances Yau I could be. Ying Wa is one of the top schools in Hong Kong. When I got my first report card, my English grade was the lowest or second lowest in the whole Form 3. I forgot where the motivation came from, but in that particular summer, I started reading English novels and watching English shows. Agatha Christie became my favourite writer. When I got my second report card, I was one of the top English students in the whole form. Someone from the school nominated me to receive the “Best Improved Students Award” organized by the Lion & Globe Educational Trust for secondary school students, and I made it! I even went on a TV or radio show to get it, and my mom was there witnessing her daughter receiving her first award in public. That really boosted my confidence and helped me realize that when I worked hard, I would be recognized and get rewarded.

Life-long Friendship
I had no idea that one could excel simply by being placed in a loving environment. I was challenged every day to become a better version of myself. I made many great friends, who are still standing by me today like my dearest Emily Mo, Eppie Lee, Alice Pang and many others. My school life was full of laughter, cuz not only do Ying Wa girls excel in academics, we are also the most creative and funniest (not mischievous, no no no) beings on planet Earth. In 1996, before I had to emigrate to Canada, my peeps took me to take “Beauty Pictures” for memories. Even though my friends called me Beast (cuz someone denoted herself “Beauty Angel Sum Lam”), I became a beautiful and powerful woman in the making.

Thank You
Today, I can proudly thank my mom for bringing me to YWGS. Without Ying Wa, I may not have the core strength and values to be who I am today. Despite life challenges, I continue to excel in what I do, and receive recognition for who I am: a kind, honest and compassionate woman of love, dignity and strength.
Thank you, YWGS. I am forever grateful.
Blessed to be a Blessing.