Zoom 2.0
Zoom 2.0
Jenny Lew (’67)
Across the Pacific Ocean, our former Headmistress, Mrs Ruth Lee (’72), joined our Zoom meeting on October 10, 2020. We are thankful for the efficient planning of Wing Tsang (’62) that 12 YW sisters from different parts of Southern California were able to log on the video gathering. After Ruth led us with an opening prayer, she shared some of the highlights of the current learning environment of students in Hong Kong and also the upcoming big event of the 120th Thanksgiving Celebration of our alma mater.

From left:
Top row: Wing Tsang (’62), Jenny Lew (’67), Lai-ping Yuen (’62), Agnes Ng (’65)
Middle row: Bonita Chui (’80), Ruth Lee (’72), Alice Louie (’67), Cassidy Yeung (’98) and son
Bottom row: Melinda Louie (’65), Yvonne Lau (’01), Sara Martinson (’62)
Out of range: Rosanna Ho (’90)
We welcome our newest member, Yvonne Lau (’01), who has enrolled in driving lessons in order to assimilate in the greater Los Angeles community. Cassidy Yeung (’98) was busy with her cute little boy who kept popping into the Zoom camera. Both Rosanna Ho (’90) and Bonita Chui (’80) still have regular work every day either online or offline. Despite their busy schedule, they are two dedicated weekend Cantonese teachers at their local church. Alice Louie and I also have our Class of 1967 regular Zoom meeting globally with over 20 classmates from three continents.
Food is another popular topic to share. Besides learning new recipes from YouTube, some of us help out the small restaurants by ordering take-out meals.
Even in this terrible pandemic, we thank God for providing Zoom for us to share the spirit of Ying Wa! We look forward to having
another Zoom meeting on February 27, 2021.