By God’s Grace…
By God’s Grace…
Yau Ping Wai (’59)
By God’s Grace, I turned 80 in April this year! I always like celebrating my milestone birthdays with my family and friends to share my joy and thanksgiving to God for His wonderful blessings. This year, we can only have virtual gatherings due to the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown. The Toronto YWGSAA committee's prompt response to my request in helping me to organize a Zoom Birthday Party was most heartwarming. Together with three of my good sisters in church, a committee was formed to organize my Thanksgiving 80th Birthday Zoom Party. Their efficiency was simply remarkable! The various tasks were well taken care of by each member according to her expertise. The Zoom Party turned out to be such a joyful and memorable event!!

Thank God for the modern technology, the Birthday Zoom Party was well attended by almost 200 guests from Canada and US, Australia, Singapore, Shanghai and Hong Kong. My heartfelt thanks must go to everyone for signing up to attend my virtual Birthday Party, and for the many birthday greetings and encouraging feedbacks sent to me before or after the party!! I’m indeed most thankful for the overwhelming response to my invitation, and this global attendance from families and friends will surely bring back tons and tons of joyful memories in the years to come!! Special thanks went to those who took part in sharing at the party! All the messages were so heartwarming and rewarding!!
Without the joint effort of members of the organizing committee and the support from all who attended the party, my dream of celebrating this milestone birthday would never have come true!! God has indeed done immeasurably more than what we ask for or imagine.