5 February 2020

Special Announcement

Dear alumnae and friends of Ying Wa,

To safeguard the health of all participants and reduce the risk of the spread of the novel coronavirus in the community, the school's 120th Anniversary Thanksgiving Service and Open Days originally scheduled on 28 & 29 March will be postponed until further notice.  

If you have any questions about the celebration events, you are most welcome to contact us through email: school@ywgs.edu.hk.  You can also refer to our School website www.ywgs.edu.hk for the latest updates.

We thank you in advance for your support and understanding, which will go a long way to help us face the challenges ahead.  May I take this opportunity to wish you good health, peace and safety, just like the promise of God written in Psalm 121:8, "the LORD will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore.”

Francis Kwan


鑑於現時本港正面對新型冠狀病毒的威脅,為減免疫情在社區擴散的風險,本校原定於28/3及29/3舉行的「一百二十周年校慶崇拜及開放日」將會無限期延後。若為    閣下造成任何不便,謹此致歉。

我們仍盼與    閣下保持聯絡。如對校慶活動有任何意見,歡迎電郵 school@ywgs.edu.hk 聯絡。相關最新消息亦會在學校網頁 www.ywgs.edu.hk 隨時更新,敬請留意。

感謝    閣下的支持和體諒。並祝願大家在這艱難時期保持身體健康,滿有平安,如聖經上說:「你出你入,耶和華要保護你,從今時直到永遠。」(詩篇121:8)

